Deploy application with docker and kubernetes
Deploy application with docker and kubernetes

deploy application with docker and kubernetes

This contains the attributes of the deployment. spec: What state you desire for the object.metadata: Data that describes and gives information about other data, It helps uniquely identify the object, including a name string, UID, and an optional namespace.kind: What kind of object you want to create.apiVersion: Specifies which version of the Kubernetes API you're using to create this object.

deploy application with docker and kubernetes

Create a YAML file called mySqlDeployment.yaml in the root of the application.

#Deploy application with docker and kubernetes code#

Download the starting source code from here.The pods as defined in the configuration file are then installed and run on the worker nodes. The Controller Manager and the Scheduler request for these configuration data through the APIServer in order to bring the application to its desired state as defined in the deployment configuration. This YAML file configuration is sent to the Kube API server which then feeds the configuration to the brain of Kubernetes the etcd. For this tutorial, we will be creating two Kubernetes Deployments one for the MySql Database and the other for the API.Ī Kubernetes Deployment can be created by configuring a YAML file.

deploy application with docker and kubernetes

To deploy an application to Kubernetes we need to create a Deployment which is a blueprint of the application itself we expose our deployment to other components by linking it to a service that acts as a gateway to the pods which is our application.Ī deployment object has the required information of how pods will be created and how will they run and communicate with each other, it contains information on how an application will be set up and configured. To understand the process, here is a visual representation of the different components we will be creating. In this article, we will be deploying a WebApi and MySql Database to Kubernetes. Read Part 1 Setting up Kubernetes and Kubernetes Dashboard using Docker Desktop.

Deploy application with docker and kubernetes